3 basic questions about bots in igaming

We’ve been hearing a lot about bots. In this short blog post, we’re looking at little into more detail about what they are and can do.

1. What is a Bot?

A bot is a piece of software that is programmed to handle automated simple tasks that are repetitive in nature. In other words, it is like a robot that takes care of activities that a human being would either find too boring or would not be as efficient in handling.

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Email Marketing Basics

There is no doubt that although email marketing is one of the oldest mechanisms that we’ve used in the digital world, it remains one of the strongest forces in direct marketing aimed at retaining clients.

The reason behind this stems from the fact that email lands directly into a personal inbox and if the recipient is poised to receive it, then great things can happen….

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Mining Customer Insights from Personas

When observing users as they go about using a website one often discovers that some users do not use websites in the way they were intended to be used.  This raises several issues, the most important of which being – Do we really know our audience?

Winning the digital game is about understanding your customer’s needs and expectations and making sure that you are reaching out to him or her via the appropriate marketing strategies.  Translated into the igaming that involves taking the full online gaming experience on a level where it has been thoroughly tried and tested to match the personas.

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Is your App delivering?

In an oversaturated marketplace of Apps, there are a couple of questions to think about both before and after the investment in an App has been made.

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How Social Media helps in iGaming

As we approach the end of the year, many social media companies have already started publishing their opinions about what they think the New Year will bring in terms of Social Media trends.

This year we are told Facebook has remained as strong as ever and while there are a wide variety of other platforms, Facebook is the one which companies are mostly using to reach their audience.   Twitter is usually the runner-up but this does not mean that igaming marketers should stop from questioning the validity of other platforms. After all, your niche might be congregating somewhere else.

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Customer Relationship Management

A lot of modern marketing revolves around the concept of Customer Relationship Management. Indeed this notion is all about knowing the customer and developing a kind of relationship with him that will be of benefit to both parties. CRM is especially more relevant and might be one of the more clever solutions for the smaller igaming business.

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All Fingers Point to Mobile

There is no denying that this is the age of mobile.   People coming from different demographics, different lifestyles, displaying different behaviours all have one thing in common these days. They carry a mobile device – a good percentage of which, carry a smart mobile device. This is why a lot of growth is happening in this area.

The importance of mobile marketing is not only because mobile has become the only accessory without which people don’t leave the house but also because of ‘when’ the mobile is being used.

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From the Lisbon Web Summit…

There are days when we are hard at work on our clients’ campaigns and there are days when maybe we’re more relaxed….

This week some of us are attending the Web Summit in Lisbon.  So far it’s been a great week. It’s great to feel part of the digital industry and there’s always so many things to learn and to bring back to the office. It’s always inspiring to hear great industry leaders discuss their projects, case studies, learning experiences and insights while projecting trends of where digital is heading.

One incredible speaker was Ronaldinho, who after conquering football is now intent on establishing himself as a tech investor. The player who is behind Zoome, a video social network and private TV channel provider, said that challenges are taken onboard with dedication and creativity and this is  his main driver when it comes to his business ventures….

Ronaldinho at the Web Summit 2016
Ronaldinho at the Web Summit 2016


Fresh Content and Sports

There’s one particular thing in Sports Marketing and associated spheres such as gaming, which must at times, make other sectors jealous. This is, the nearly automatic generation of fresh content.

As soon the season starts, sports content flourishes. From tables to lists, to injuries, commentaries, videos, animations, and interviews, there is a lot of story-telling about every event, every team and every player that seems to flow in a natural manner. In fact it seems that every gaming event generates a mountain of fresh content, some more than others! The reason for this is that the fans have a true passion for consuming content that is related to their favourite teams and heroes and sports is also big business!

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Content Activities

Twenty-five years ago marketing was much simpler. We had a set of eight channels – TV, radio, print, display, events, direct fax and mail and telephone. Today we’re swimming in a sea where we have literally hundreds of channels from which to choose.   These channels are no longer dominated by a few big media companies and to this we have to add that anyone, even the customer can be a publisher!

It is now widely accepted that content is an important factor that directly affects the success of marketing activities. We know that as consumers we spend more time on beautiful, appealing and relevant content but are blind to content that is difficult to consume or use or has not been appropriately prepared. We recognise the material which is soulless.  This is why content activities like content creation, content and content repurposing are 2 significant activities.

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