3 basic questions about bots in igaming
We’ve been hearing a lot about bots. In this short blog post, we’re looking at little into more detail about what they are and can do.
1. What is a Bot?
A bot is a piece of software that is programmed to handle automated simple tasks that are repetitive in nature. In other words, it is like a robot that takes care of activities that a human being would either find too boring or would not be as efficient in handling.
Email Marketing Basics
There is no doubt that although email marketing is one of the oldest mechanisms that we’ve used in the digital world, it remains one of the strongest forces in direct marketing aimed at retaining clients.
The reason behind this stems from the fact that email lands directly into a personal inbox and if the recipient is poised to receive it, then great things can happen….
Mining Customer Insights from Personas
When observing users as they go about using a website one often discovers that some users do not use websites in the way they were intended to be used. This raises several issues, the most important of which being – Do we really know our audience?
Winning the digital game is about understanding your customer’s needs and expectations and making sure that you are reaching out to him or her via the appropriate marketing strategies. Translated into the igaming that involves taking the full online gaming experience on a level where it has been thoroughly tried and tested to match the personas.